Tuesday, March 6, 2012


I have never done much in moderation. Ever. I wonder if it is possible for me to change my life by changing what I eat and how much of it. The easy answer is yes. It is hard to start. To get excited and then disappointed when I binge. Weight Watchers did work. I walked to school and back and that was pretty much my only exercise. WW still worked. I got all inspired. I even got my dad proud of me. That was so crucial. Then, like all the diets in the past, I gave up. I feel like I am punishing myself if I limit what I eat. Yet, the true punishment is that I am killing myself. Ever time I go into that thick area of denial. A place where I ignore my painful feet, the rapid heartbeat from going up stairs, and a litany of physical discomforts. I tend to see it as a necessary beat down. Punishment for being so fat and out of control.
Starting to ride a bike last spring, I remembered the exhilaration of the "wheeee factor."
That ride, in New Jersey, on my cousin's borrowed bike was amazing. Once I got on, I realized....I can do this. I rode down the street and it was hot out. I passed two boys playing with water guns and got them to spray me. They were very obliging. I came back and was laughing. Feeling great!
I have been riding my bike since. Not every day. Not for very long. But, I keep riding.
#30daysofbiking was inspiring. I decided to put fanny to saddle as often as I could this past September. I missed maybe 2-3 days. Overall, I found myself enjoying any time I got on the bike.
So this year, this April... I am joining #30daysofbiking and my goal is to ride all 30 days. Even if it means a 30 minute ride or a 10 minute ride. I just want to feel that "wheee factor."